September wildlife

Autumn starts to creep in. A prolific time for berries and nuts. Summer visiting birds depart for warmer climes.


Field Maple leaves should now be glowing red.

Spindle, Holly and Crab Apple are in fruit.

Conkers and Hazel nuts appear.

Acorns are ripening.

Bittersweet fruits develop.

Autumn Lady’s-tresses in flower.


Summer visitors depart, including Quail, Cuckoo, Nightjar, Flycatchers, Willow Warblers, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler and Nightingale.


In good years, third generations of Small Copper, Large White and Small White appear. Look out for the distinctive Ivy bee, Colletes hederae, collecting pollen and nectar at Ivy and nesting in aggregations in soil.


Dormice go into hibernation.

Bats’ mating season begins! Males form leks and use advertisement calls to attract females. Active feeding continues.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Adders start to hibernate.

Common Lizards hibernate.

 Header: Willowherb and Figwort, Radstock